Fleas & ticks
Prevention and treatment of dogs with fleas and ticks, even also for the surroundings of the dog.
Hunter Tick Hook Ajka
Hunter Flea Comb Spa
Greenfields Dog Shampoo After Bite
Skudo Pet Flea and Tick Repeller

Fleas and Ticks
Every dog owner will have the experience that the dog has fleas or ticks. That is not pleasant for the dog, not for you nor pleasant for the environment. You will find in our Petsonline shop means to prevent and combat fleas and ticks.
What exactly are fleas?
Fleas are small parasites that nestle in your pet's fur, which feed on the blood of your animal. The bite of the flea causes itching, also in humans.
How does my dog get fleas?
A dog usually gets fleas in the direct environment, and not from any other dog. Research has shown that just 5% of fleas live on the dog, the other 95% (including the eggs and larvae) live in the environment. Because of this you'll always have to clean the surroundings of your pet if there are fleas on your pet. Did you know that pets alsomay be infected with fleas by tapeworms ?
How do I notice if my dog has fleas?
Fleas are small and hide deep into the skin, making them sometimes difficult to detect with the eye. If your dog starts scratching or rolls around without apparent immediate reason, there is a risk of fleas. It is best to look at the skin of the dog, red spots indicate fleas but also black spots indicate flea poop. You can also use a flea comb to look for fleas. Daily hygiene has nothing to do with a flea infestation.
What can I do ?
There are various products available to combat fleas.
A good flea collar is naturally safe, works as long as possible and is not harmful when touched. Flea Drops are friendly and use to instill the pipette into the neck of the dog, there are several brands that may also provide additional protection against other parasites.
Do not forget the direct surroundings as 95% of all fleas live there. You will need a good environment spray to put an end to the fleas. Whichever product you choose, you should always vacuuming first before treating the area. The dog bed, dog blanket and the like should all be washed as hot as possible.
At a flea treatment, all pets in the household must be treated simultaneously. Please note that some products are intended solely for the dog or cat, choose the right products.
If your dog has been long been suffering from fleas or has large quantities of fleas, there is a risk of contamination by a tapeworm. Consult your veterinarian.
What exactly are ticks ?
Ticks are parasites that dig into the skin, bites and sucks blood. Then the tick often lets itself loose, but a tick can transmit diseases through saliva by a tick bite.
Ticks that have sucked themselves full, have a gray color.
What diseases can transmit a tick?
Lyme disease is the most common disease which is transmitted by a tick bite. The disease is transmitted by a bacterium that can be located on the tick. Especially for people this is a very nasty and dangerous disease. Infected dogs often get arthritis so that the dog is lame. You should check with such symptoms your vet.
How do I remove a tick?
After each walk in the period from February to September you should check your dog for ticks. Use a good tick tweezers to remove the tick, never use your fingers or tweezers, you can break off the tick's head and it will remain in the skin. Treating a tick with alcohol is not a good thing: the tick will empty itself onto the skin of your dog. Always check that you have also removed the head of the tick. If your pet exhibits signs of illness after a tick bite, consult your veterinarian.
What can I do ?
Its is advisable to treat the dog preventively. There are several products available, such as sign bands, and some drops that often also actively work against fleas.