Customer Service
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Customer Service
Contact us
Frequently asked questions
1. Ordering
1.1 I need help to place my order
We are happyfor youtoassist youwith your order.
Forany questionwhatsoever, you can callus on+ 31 (0) 599 858878.
Everyday availablebetween 10:00 and19:00.
Outside thesetimes, you can alwaystry, but I cannot guarantee that Iam always abletoanswer the phone.
You can reach us by emailat[email protected]
Usually you will receive quick reply.
Finally, you canalso usethe form on thispage tothe right sidetoask your question.
1.2 Is there a minimum order amount ?
No, there is no minimum order amount at
1.3 Is there a maximum order amount ?
No, there is no limit to order on
1.4 Can I combine individual orders ?
Afterplacing yourorders,I regret that they cannot becombinedany more.Of course you canalwayscontact usvia email[email protected]tosee whatispossible to arrange manually.
1.5 Can I cancel my order ?
It is not alwayspossibletocancel your order.Orders containingcustommade products that have already goneintoproductioncannot be canceled.Kindly contactus via[email protected]todiscuss the possibilities.
1.6 Do I receive a confirmation of my order ?
Petsonlinealwayssends you a confirmationandan invoice if you place an order.Ifyouunfortunatelydo notreceive it, pleasecontactus.
1.7 How do I ask Petsonline a question ?
Petsonlinecan be reachedeither by email at [email protected]or by phone at + 31 (0)591 858878. You can reach us dailybetween 10.00 and19.00.
1.8 My product is not in stock ?
Anumber of productsare standardnot in stock:the custom made dogpillows,dog beds,the bronzestatues andurns,andexclusive handmadecollarareall custommadeper orderaccording tothecustomer requirements.This will resultalways in a delivery time,thatis listedin our system.
Weendeavorto stockother productsas much as possiblebut that is notalways possible.The impact of complicatedglobal logisticscould bethat a productis not always in stock.You can, of course,place an orderand our system willinform you of the expected delivery time. Usually we are able to ship out any product withing a maximum of 5 business days.
1.9 Do I need to register as a customer ?
No, thereisno registration requiredto become a client. Only if you wish so, you can create an accountso you cancheck outfaster. You will then also be able to save multipleaddresses,viewand trackyour orders, andmore,but this isnot mandatory.
2. Payment
2.1 How can I pay ?
With Petsonline, you can pay in various ways:
-By bank transfer. There's no extracharge.Ourbank accountisNL59INGB0006200362, Petsonline, Stadskanaal, the Netherlands.
-ByIdeal.You payonlineby iDEAL(possible with almost all Dutch banks).There's no extracharge.
- In3 - Pay in 3 installments with 0% interest (only orders in the Netherlands)
- with the VVV giftcard.
-By PayPal. You payonlineusing your PayPalaccount.
-Mr.Cash / Bancontact
- Belfius
- ApplePay
-CreditCards: Visa, Master Cardand American Express.
-Sofot Banking.
- Payment after delivery (only for Dutch residents with a private address in the Netherlands).
- Fastcheckout by Multisafepay. Register once and pay in three steps in all affiliated webshops.
2.2 What is iDeal ?
iDEAL isa safe form ofinternet bankingwhereyou are directedtothe internet bankingsiteofyour bankduringcheckout. In ourcheckout processyou indicateto pay by iDeal. In the familiar internet banking siteofyour bank, you canpayyour ordersafely.Thepayment detailsare alreadyfilled in for you.After you havereceived confirmation fromyour bank, you return toour website andyou will receive aconfirmationof your order.Since theiDEALpayment is processedimmediately, the payment is immediatelyvisible onyourbilling statement.
2.3 Can I prepay per bank transfer ?
Yes, you can justpay in advanceby bank transfer. Yourinvoicecontains allnecessary data such asinvoice number, amountand ourbank details. Belowthey are listedagain: INGBank, NL59INGB0006300362, BIC: INGBNL2APetsonline, Stadskanaal, the Netherlands.
Once we receive yourpaymentonour bankaccount, we will shipyour order.
2.4 Is the VAT included or excluded ?
Ourpublished prices are inclusive of VAT.
3. Contact
3.1 What are the contact details of Petsonline ?
Handelsstraat 40
9501 EV Stadskanaal
The Netherlands
Phone: + 31 (0) 599 858878
Email:[email protected]
Chamber of Commerce: 58866779
VAT: NL857128590B01
Bank:NL59INGB0006300362, BIC: INGBNL2A
4. Complaints
4.1 I wish to file a complaint
Petsonlinetakes complaints very seriously and willdo everythingto solvethe problem.
Kindly send usafull and cleardescription of your complaintin writing, bypost orby email.
We will alwaysacknowledge receipt ofyour complaintandwill respond tothiswithin 14days.
4.2 I have received a faulty product
If you receive a faulty product, please contact us immediatelyby phone or emailcontact.Petsonlinewilldo its outmost to send you a replacement as soon as possible.
5. Returns
5.1 When can I return a product ?
Upon receipt ofyour product, you have 30 daystoreturn it to us without giving any reasons(Article 6of the General Conditions).Kindly inform us by email: [email protected]
The cost of the returnshipment are paid by the consumer.
Please note thatthere area number of productsfor whichthis general ruledoes not apply:
-Customizedproducts where theproduct is manufacturedin accordance withthe wishesof consumersper order. This applies, for example, to the handmadecollars and leashesthat aremadeper order.Thisalsoapplies tocustom made cushions, mattresses etc.
-Productsthat are clearly for personal use. This applies to the bronzeanimal statuesandurns, bothof our own brand.
In the description ofanitem it is mentioned if the product is exclusivelyhandmadeper order.
Do you return a part of your order ?
If the final order amount, after the credit for the returned goods, does not qualify (any more) for free shipment, normal shipment costs will be added to your invoice. These will be deducted from the credit for the returned goods.
5.2 Which address should I use for a return order ?
Kindly inform us first about a return at [email protected] and we will inform you about the correct address to return the goods to.
5.3 When I can expect my refund ?
Petsonlinewill first checkthe returned goodsfor damageetc. Weexpect from youthat the product andall accessorieswill be returned in the original packaging as muchas reasonablypossible,
Petsonlinewill refund you within 30days.
5.4 Who pays postage for a return ?
For a normalreturn,ifthere is nocase offailure or damage,you always payyourselfthe shipping costs forthe return shipment.
In case of a defect ordamaged product,pleasecontact usimmediately to arrange shipment.Petsonline will paythe shipping costsin such cases.
6. Exchange goods
6.1 How can I exchange a product ?
You can exchange a product without problems. For example if the size did not fit. We kindly ask you , before you return a product, to contact us about your wishes. by email to [email protected]
The return procedure is as follows :
Please inform us about the return or exchange of the goods at [email protected] and we will inform you about the correct address to send the goods to.
The cost of return shipment are paid by the consumer.
Please note that there are a number of products for which this general rule does not apply :
- Customized products where the product is manufactured in accordance with the wishes of the consumer. This applies to handmade collars that are made per order and to the cushions that are also made per order.
- Products that are clearly personal in nature, such as the bronze animal statues and urns.
In the description of a product is always clearly mentioned if a product will be hand made manufactured per order.
Petsonline will check the returned goods for damage etc. We expect from you that the product and all accessories will be returned to us in the original packaging.
In exchange for another item or size, we will send you a credit note for the returned products excluding the shipping costs and will make a new order for the desired product . Please note that any shipping costs for the new order will be calculated according to the normal rules
7. Shipping and shipping costs
7.1 When can I expect my parcel ?
The expected delivery time of a product is mentioned on the website. The delivery time is mentioned in business days. Business days are mondays to fridays. Saturday, Sunday or holidays such as Christmas are not business days as we cannot send parcels nor receive parcels.
Normally we ship the parcels by GLS. You will receivethe trackingcodeonce yourpackage isshippedso youcan trackthe shipment.
Parcels that are shipped directly by a distributor, can be shipped with a different courier. In that case, we will do our best to send you all the relevant information about the courier and the track & trace code, but are dependant on third parties.
7.2 What are the shipping costs ?
Petsonline ships free within the Netherlands for orders above € 59.
For shipping orders under € 59 we charge € 4,95 shipping costs. Your order will be shipped with GLS as a package , you will automatically receive a Track & Trace code once the parcel has been delivered to GLS by us.
Petsonline ships free to Belgium for orders above € 59.
For shipping orders under € 59 we charge € 5.95 shipping costs. Your order will be shipped with GLS as a parcel, you will automatically receive a Track & Trace code once the parcel has been delivered to GLS by us.
Other countries
In the ordering process, you can have your order sent to almost any country in Europe. Based on your address, the system calculates the correct shipping costs.
7.3 Which shipping method can I use ?
Petsonline ships with GLS. Once wedeliveryour parcel to GLS, thedelivery time is(almost) always maximum 1 business day (within the Netherlands)
Someproductswill besentto you directlyby oursupplier. There are no extracharges will apply. In these cases, we will inform you by email about the details of the shipment.
For all othercountries,your packagewill besent by GLS.
7.4 Can I pick up my order myself ?
Upon appointment it is possible to pick up your order at our office in Stadskanaal. This service is free of charge.